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The Clubhouse

The Clubhouse is located at Nairn harbour, overlooking the Moray Firth.


Members meet informally in the clubhouse on Friday evenings during the sailing season from 20.00 hrs and all are welcome to join in the exchange of ideas and sterling efforts to put the sailing world to rights! Social events occur throughout the year and are advertised on the NSC Calendar, on the club Facebook page, on the glass fronted notice board outside the club, and by e-mails from the club secretary.



Regular attending members will be familiar with the coded lock on the front door. The coded lock saves the cost of cutting new keys to allow access only to paid up members and allows the door to be opened without a key on the busy sailing days.


The Clubhouse must be locked when not in use using the normal key. Keys are available to paid up members and are kept in the bar (a £5 deposit will be required). Members should familiarise themselves with the Club’s health and safety policy; a copy of which is on the notice board.



The Clubhouse is available for hire to members and their guests at a reasonable charge to cover heat, light, cleaning and wear and tear. Please refer any requests in the first instance to the Commodore, giving as much notice as possible. Booking forms will then be made available.



We still have a substantial supply of burgees. All those who venture away from Nairn should be proud to fly the club’s colours.

©2020 by Nairn Sailing Club.

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